This is a tutorial for a photo canvas. It is SUPER easy and practically fool proof! I did this on my living room floor while the kids were playing :)
The supplies are very basic and most crafters have everything already on hand! I printed the 8x10 picture from a home computer so I didn't even need to go to the store for that! I used a black canvas I found at Micheal's that made this project even easier then some I had seen before like at literally inspired's blog which is one of the original places I saw a photo canvas tutorial.
First step:
Use the mod podge and lightly coat the back of your image and then place it center onto the canvas.
Second step:
After letting the photo dry onto the canvas for 30 minutes, lightly coat the picture to seal it. Let dry for 15 minutes and coat again if necessary. I coated it 3 times.Your picture WILL look milky but don't worry, it dries clear. It DOES however, dry with streaks in it so paint it on all in one direction. I don't mind the streaks because I feel like it gives it that "canvas" look.
Third step:
Sponge your acrylic paint of choice(I mixed two colors together to make a "faded black look") around the edges of the photo.
Fourth step (OPTIONAL):
You could be done here because the canvas is black so no need to do anything else, but I wanted a more finished look so I added scrapbook paper to the edges. Take a piece of scrapbook paper and cut to fit the sides of the canvas. You can leave black showing because you are covering it with paint anyway.
Fifth Step:
Lightly coat the strips of scrapbook paper in mod podge and adhere to the sides. After drying for about 30 minutes, seal the strips by adding a coat of mod podge on top.
Sixth step:
Using the same acrylic paint, sponge all of the edges. I also added a coat of mod podge to the entire canvas as a final sealer.
And that's IT! You have a beautiful hand-crafted 8x10 canvas for less then $5.
If you have any questions, you can comment below. We would also love to see your DIY canvases you make!
NOTICE: The picture is still a little wet so the lines look pretty intense but they dry much softer. I was just on a time constraint so couldn't wait for it to dry fully :)
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